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Three Late 18th C. American Powder Horns Carved Two with Hand-Carved Stopper

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Three Late 18th C. American Powder Horns Carved with Stopper

We are offering a wonderful trio of revolutionary war era Powder horns. 
The largest of the group has a beautiful carved double ring towards the spout, 
and still has its original carved wooden stopper. There are a set of initials carved in towards the ring 
"M I K" and a couple carved in stars. 

The next largest powder horn has its original wood carved stopper, and the original
loophole for a carrying strap. 

The smallest powder horn has the original hand woven string which 
was used to connect a strap for carrying. 

The larger one was for a rifle, while the smaller ones were more than likely for a pistol. 
All three horns have wonderful colors and would make a great addition to any 
militaria collection. 

They are all in great age-related condition. Larger one has a crack towards the spout.
The medium one has some small losses around the edge of the wider end. 
The smaller one has a few bug holes.

Approx. Dimensions:

Larger Powder Horn
Length: 11" 
Widest:  3  1/4"

Medium Powder Horn
Length: 9 1/4"
Widest: 3"

Smaller Powder Horn
Length: 5  3/4"
Widest  2  7/8"

                            ID. 60             LOC. F