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American 19th Century Still Life with Pansies, Oil on Canvas Original Condition

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American 19th Century Still Life with flowers, Oil on Canvas Original Condition
We're offering a wonderfully painted still life with pansies. Placed in the turquoise vase as though whoever picked them would return to arrange the flowers. The colors and detail of this charming painting speak for themselves. The original painted frame was no doubt a special order as the colors match the flowers and vase beautifully. We purchased this painting locally years ago from an east coast couple who retired in California, (she said it was handed down through her family). We placed the painting on our walls thinking we'd return to it and restore (much like the resident who picked the flowers) The months ticked by, no such luck. Now, it's time to pass it along to another dealer or homemaker to enjoy as we have. 

Canvas Measurements:
11 1/8th" high
13 1/8"high

As professional art dealers, we place this lovely little still life in "good unrestored condition." There are three pencil head size punctures and a small L-shaped tear, (an easy fix). Our sincere opinion: this work is worth fixing the minor flaws and light cleaning. Unfortunately, the signature is indistinct to our eyes. Please examine all photos as they are a part of the condition report.