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1932 Stephan Mautner Floral Watercolor Painting VERY RARE

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1932 Stephan Mautner Floral Watercolor Painting We are offering... A dated 1932 Stephan Mautner floral painting. Stephan Mautner was a Jewish Viennese business man, husband and painter. The Mautner couple initially managed to escape to Hungary during WWII. However, he and his were then deported in 1944to KL Auschwitz and murdered. Mautner was forced to sell parts of his collection before he was murdered and the Nazis attempted to bury his artifacts in caves that were formally salt mines. Only a few of his works have entered the art trade, much of it is owned by the Albertina mueseum in Vienna. The symbol on the lower right corner of the piece is his monogram and the numbers below is the date created in an Austrian format. Approx. Dimensions: Length:15.5" Width: 11.25" Condition: Painting in mint condition considering the age of the piece. Please see all photos for complete description. State(s) Sales Tax may apply Shipping charges include professional packaging, handling, shipping costs, and insurance when necessary. LOC. F
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