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Ea. 19th C. Scottish Bone Quaich with Silver Thistle Design

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This is an early 19th Century Scottish double handled drinking cup called a Quaich. 
This quaich is made of bone, and has two applied thistle form silver motifs on the top of the handles
with square nuts on the underside holding them in place. 

The bottom of the quaich is turned with incised rings and a raised foot. 

The Thistle is a historic symbol of Scotland. 

Approx. Dimensions: 
Length: 5 1/2"
Width:  2 7/8"
Height: 1 1/8"
Weight: 49 g. 

Condition: In good age-related condition, there are some minor dimples to the bottom of the bowl. 
Please see all photos for complete description. 

Loc. F    ID. 30 

Listed with ExportYourStore.com